For your entrepreneurial involvement in Latinamerica it is important to minimize risks. Personal confidence plays a major role. So, the integrity of potential partners can be judged only on a basis of personal references. From an extensive network of contacts, I will find you the appropriate partners and accompany your comercial move to Latinamerica. Try me!
1- The Deciding Factor
Whoever wants to start doing business in Latinamerica will quickly realize that it is necessary to occupy oneself with Latinamerican mentality - because personal confidence is very important. My experience shows that the knowledge of the involved business partners and mutual confidence are the deciding factors for the positive entrepreneurial outcome in Latinamerica.
2- Service
My services comprise of finding appropriate partners for my clients and accompanying their activities in Latinamerica. I show medium-sized companies how to get involved with existing printing and publishing companies in El Salvador, Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, Chile and how to start their production there. I'm giving my many years of experience of consulting and coaching in Latinamerica and the resulting specific know-how, I see myself mainly as an advisor. I put my personal network at my clients' disposal and help them find the appropriate partners. This service, which also offers corporate development through mergers, acquisitions and divestures comes from the expertise gained through more than 15 years in national and international Grafical Arts Industry and now covers personal consultancy in all business aspects.
3- Know-How
My knowledge and pool of excellent contacts in Latinamerica, resulting from more than 15 years of professional experience working and living now in Latinamerica. Since August 1989, when I decided to carry my experience and competence on by moving to Costa Rica within project of technical cooperation between Germany and Latinamerica. I have been intensifying my contacts with the help of concrete projects in the top mentioned countries.
4- Networks
The pool of my contacts in Latinamerica consists mostly of people from the Graphical Arts and Communications Industry. Some of them are Germans, some are Latins from El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia, Venezuela and Chile. We together established in the last 15 years a very well functioning personal information network. When I start the search of a Latinamerican partner, WPCI is capable of opening very interesting doors with the help of these or several other personal contacts.
5- Integrity
The integrity of the partners you cooperate with in Latinamerica is the biggest problem. It all depends on recommendations or on personal knowledge of the potential partner over many years. And that is exactly how I work: When I am convinced of the idea of an foreign investor, it is very important that I can recommend him to my partners in Latinamerica with a clear conscience. Such business always works reciprocal. I will not recommend somebody to my partners who has a bad reputation, even if he offers me an interesting daily rate. The quality of my partners determines my own good reputation. That is why I only accompany entrepreneurs who give me a reason to believe that they are trustworthy. Only on this base of trust can I bring together the right partners, create the network and hold the reins which are needed to engage in Latinamerica.
6- Choice of Partner
Once the base of integrity is there I will bring in my personal contacts. Naturally it is also very important for the outcome of the enterprise that the American investor and the potential partner simply like each other. One can even safeguard decisions like that. I do not rely on only one recommendation but verify the information about a company or person through other contacts as well. To make sure nothing can go wrong - especially when there is a high financial risk - it is important to use as many sources as possible. That is why I do not limit my inquiries to the existing ring of business partners but try to constantly widen it until it is possible to accompany even a big project adequately. Due to my good contacts with interesting people I can use these for inquiries of all sorts. In this respect I not only approach companies but also institutions.
7- Market analysis
When a American investor approaches me I will sit down with him and ask what exactly his Latinamerican strategy looks like. It is important to start with a market analysis. Here it gets evident if the expectations toward a cooperation with Latinamerica comply with the actual conditions. Many investors have made the mistake of only looking at the mere size of the market. This has often led to a flop. A professional market analysis for my clients will be done by WPC International first.
8- Outsourcing
It is also possible to minimize risks through swapping-out. Large companies have already put this into effect to a great extent. A company uses the service of an external Latinamerican service: they will usually do the work professionally and with engagement because that is their core competence. A small American company for example that wants to start doing business in Latinamerica should start using a local Business Center as seat of the company. The needed infrastructure is already existent in such a Business Center and it is therefore not necessary to finance a large but needless infrastructure. If someone wants to purchase an already existing printing or publishing company in Latinamerica, I cooperate with chartered accountants who do excellent work. Some of them are well-known in this particular field and are absolutely reliable in knowing what is going on there and then. I also make use of the friendly cooperation with various, in their very special field experienced, international legal firms.
Please contact me for more Information:
Rainer Wagner
copyright 2022